Friday, October 24, 2008

Get some sleep

I was surprised when I was doing my devotion today...because the title for today's devotion are "Get some sleep" oppssssssss......siapa makan cili...rasa ME !!! I need to get some sleep...especially nowadays I always go to bed late at night...the next day will get headache and cannot pay attention well due to not getting enough sleep...Today's devotion I actually learn that lack of sleep will affect our relationship with Jesus...let me share with you all what I've learnt through today's devotion ....enjoy!

If you're not getting enough sleep, it makes you more likely to be drowsy while driving, to be cranky and irritable (just ask your friends), and even to eat more than usual! That's what the National Sleep Foundation discovered in one survey.
Jacob apparently had a problem with sleepiness. He told his uncle Laban, " I worked for you throgh the scorching heat of the day and through cold and sleepless nights. Yes, for 20 years I slaved in your house!" (Genesis 31: 40-41). He must have been pretty stressed out to have insomnia for so long, he had once been able to fall asleep using a rock as a pillow!
Sleepiness wasn't Jacob's biggest problem, but it must have made all the others seem worse. In his case, relational problems seem to have been a consequence. "Jacob became very angry, and he challenged Laban" (31:36). After the argument, the 2 men parted on friendly terms. But it was the end of their relationship, and they each went their separate ways.
In a New Testament account, Eutychus' sleepiness actually killed him. He fell sound asleep and took a nosedive out a third-story window! Thankfully , Paul was there to bring him back to life, and Eutychus lived to tell the story.
There can also be spiritual consequences. After the disciples had eaten a Passover meal, they went for a walk with Jesus. They may have thought it was just another after-dinner stroll, but Jesus knew differently. He saw His death drawing near and needed His friends to watch. Instead, they fell asleep. "And they didn't know what to say" (Mark 14:40).
Imagine being in their place, looking into Jesus' eyes and knowing that you've been neglecting Him because you've been just too tired. What would you say?