went to sea sport at 6.30am for morning devotion... Hmmm~~so refreshing....Good Morning Father!!! =)
the Youth Zone Supervisors....Nellie was in KL for training the Sia's & the See's=)
love this...morning glory....
sleepy already?
breakfast time.....at Ivy's mum canteen
back for training =)
BBQ Night !!!!! Hurray~~~
start fire
Preparing the food.....
cucumber~~~ good for health
Ivy.....what are u cooking Ooo??
Ivy: Fried Rice lor..... yummy~~~
uiseh Samuel....手擦腰哦....posing somemore....
Adrian hungry.....can't wait to eat up the potatoes
Oh yeah.....i love this very very much....Potatoes my favorite... Thanks to Ivy =) I'm lovin' it
see..... Adrian busy eating nia....
Natalie and her Marshmallows.... dah hangus laa....hahahahaha...
after bbq....some play cards....some prepare their devotion coz Ivy's want them to share what've they learn through their devotion....some of them so nervous... =)
a piano teacher at the moment..everyone call me parrot coz i like to repeat what ppl said..wakakaka..loving God..my Family..my Friends...love music very much..this is God's gift for me...yeah~~always blurrr blurr...hehehe...sometimes loud...sometimes quiet..depends on my mood..love fashion very much...especially make-up...hehehe..
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